2020-11-7 Reading and photos

2020-11-7 Reading and photos

Overview reading:

  1. Louail, T., Lenormand, M., Ros, O.G.C., Picornell, M., Herranz, R., Frias-Martinez, E., Ramasco, J.J. and Barthelemy, M., 2014. From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities. Scientific reports, 4, p.5276.

    Key idea: 基于大量的人类行为数据,定量刻画城市一天内的动态结构特征变化

    Experiment: 西班牙31个城市在55天内记录的电话数据,关注两方面:1)全局:定义城市扩张指数的日变化(城市个体间的平均距离),刻画”city collapse”现象;2)局部:热点持续的时间、稳定性,反映城市层次性结构,同时得到活动中心数目与城市人口数量的亚线性关系

    Tips: Some interesting questions raised in this research:

    “How much does the city shape change through the course of the day? Where are the city’s hotspots located at different hours of the day? How are these hotspots spatially organized? Is the hierarchy and the spatial organization of hotspots robust through time? Is there some kind of typical distance(s) characterizing the permanent core, or ‘backbone’, of each city? “

  2. Zheng, S. and Kahn, M.E., 2013. China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(14), pp.E1248-E1253.

    Key idea: 中国高铁网络发展促进区域经济整合,一方面缓解大城市快速增长中的住房、人口、交通、环境压力,降低集聚成本,另一方面提高铁路沿线辐射城市市场潜力,拉动中小城市经济发展

    Experiment: 利用铁路沿线城市人口、收入、距离等指标刻画市场潜力,与住房价格所反映的城市预期增长期望做instrumental variables regression,分析高铁带来的市场潜力增加对城市增长期望的影响

    Tips: 便捷的交通方式 一方面疏解中心区功能,但另一方面又可能加剧功能分离(周边区域的人群能够更便捷地到达中心区域,导致周边区域吸引力减弱)。后者在本文中并没有涉及,但这两种现象如何平衡也是值得思考的问题

  3. Abitbol, J.L. and Karsai, M., 2020. Interpretable socioeconomic status inference from aerial imagery through urban patterns. Nature Machine Intelligence, pp.1-9.

    Key idea: 解译航空观测下的城市模式与社会经济属性间的联系

    Experiment: aerial imagery + EfficientNetB0 = income classes,guided Grad-CAM做解译

    Tips: 本文与我之前的工作Mapping human activity volumes through remote sensing imagery思路基本一致(预测,解译,邻域影响)。可借鉴的地方在于,它显式地将输入的物理环境信息与土地利用相结合,包括某种land use类型的重要性+邻接land use的双变量联系

<-------------- Autumn is coming! I'd like to share some nice photos I've taken this week. -------------->

Autumn in PKU:






