2020-10-25 Reading and music

2020-10-25 Reading and music

Overview reading:

  1. Wang, Q., Phillips, N.E., Small, M.L. and Sampson, R.J., 2018. Urban mobility and neighborhood isolation in America’s 50 largest cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(30), pp.7735-7740.

    Key idea: 从超越静态居住隔离的人群流动性角度,研究城市居民日常活动的空间隔离。


    Experiment: 美国50个最大城市的Twitter数据,估计40万居民18个月内的家庭位置与出行模式。

    Tips: 本文结合mobility+context,从较大尺度上分析社会隔离。注意数据有偏性(年龄段,区域属性),以及所谓“接触”——不同群体同处于一个census但不一定会有交集。

  2. e Silva, F.B., Freire, S., Schiavina, M., Rosina, K., Marín-Herrera, M.A., Ziemba, L., Craglia, M., Koomen, E. and Lavalle, C., 2020. Uncovering temporal changes in Europe’s population density patterns using a data fusion approach. Nature Communications, 11(1), pp.1-11.

    Key idea: 重现并系统地量化了关于欧洲大城市时空人口密度结构。官方统计数据与地理空间数据结合,融合不同类型人群流动造成的人口密度变化,度量细时空粒度的格网动态人口分布。

    Experiment: 多层次的dasymetric approach, 不同群体统计人口+土地利用

    Tips: 关于手机数据与统计数据的对比讨论

  3. Zhong Y., Su Y., Wu S., Zheng Z., Zhao J., Ma A., Zhu Q., Ye R., Li X., Pellikka P., Zhang L., 2020. Open-source data-driven urban land-use mapping integrating point-line-polygon semantic objects: A case study of Chinese cities, Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, 111838,

    Key idea: 集成点-线-面语义的城市土地利用分类

    Experiment: 线-路网,切割区块;点-POI点,定义细粒度的土地功能;面-DCNN学习,大尺度的分类

    Tips: 尺度自适应的方法借鉴

<--------------Then, have a rest! -------------->

Music and video:

<betty (Live from the 2020 Academy of Country Music Awards)>

Most songs in Taylor’s new album “folklore” are slow and quiet. I love <cardigan>, <exile>, <mirrorball> and <betty> most. The recommended video is her live show in the 2020 Academy of Country Music Awards. I was really impressed by Taylor’s smile in this video and the bright spot on the stage.
